Focus Group

Register for Focus Group

I’m looking for specific feedback about the items I should include/exclude in my Fiduciary Financial Steward service.

I want to verify my message and assumptions are on target, your participation and honest assessment is invaluable to me.

If you are willing to help I’m paying $80 for your time, I’ll be outlining the presentation, then we’ll have a group discussion, then a short, (5-7 question) written questionnaire.

I’m looking for a very specific type of person to participate in my focus group, please review the following list to see if you have the right stuff!


  • Recent (or soon to be) widow or widower.
  • Within 5 years of retirement (before or after)
  • Concerned about retirement income and tax planning
  • Willing & able to share candid feedback
  • Net worth of $800,000 including your home

There is no fee or obligation to participate in the group, you will not be asked to purchase anything.

This is not a sales presentation.

I’m looking for honest feedback that will help my business.

I will be holding in-person groups periodically during the warmer months in my conference room.

I'll e-mail you an invitation as we get closer and I have enough participants signed up.

Sign up Today

Please add me to the focus group invitation list. I understand I under no obligation to participate and I can unsubscribe anytime.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    I am the fiercely independent founder (2007), principal, and sole owner of Jersey Shore Financial Advisors LLC (JSFA). I formed JSFA because I found it nearly impossible to do the right thing for clients when there is a complex corporate structure (and sales pressure) telling me what to do/not to do for clients.

    Working with me means working with a thinking partner to help you clarify, organize, evaluate and prioritize your financial life decisions, allowing you to live life looking forward without fear of making a mistake.

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